It has been a long while!

With Tom’s master thesis successfully defended, we’ve been hard at work on a number of issues, with the major focus on admin-related UI improvements, such as statistics and general gym information. So far, we’ve been mostly focused on user experience and managed the admin-related things ourselves, but the worker has finally gotten to a point where it produces stable results, meaning that we’re getting ready to the first early release for the gyms…

or we could also just do a Rust rewrite and start from scratch 🦀…

With intrusive thoughts out of the way, let’s review!


Charts & Stats

We’ve implemented a couple of interactive charts for the gym owners (and for the users) to be able to view data gathered by users of the platform, as well as other useful things. These are the following:

  • User Activity – breakdown of user activity per a given time period, which can be either a time interval (i.e. a day/week/month), or modular (day of the week, month of the year, etc…).

  • Route Popularity – since we also allow users to like/dislike routes, and rate them softer/harder than the setter’s grade, we have a chart that shows the breakdown of these, and allow sorting based on these values/limit to best/worst.

  • Difficulty Breakdown – finally, we have a simple per-difficulty breakdown, with information about what success on these difficulties looks like; that is, out of the people who did something on a route of the difficulty, what is their result.

Charts with sample data depicting User Activity, Route Popularity and Difficulty Breakdown.

Let us know if you’d like to see more charts, they’re really fun to make!

Gym Overview

We’ve been ignoring gym overview for a while (to be 100% honest, we’ve just hardcoded the values). That changes now, with the gym overview (i.e. what the user sees when looking at the profile of the gym) looking as follows:

Gym preview, viewed as the user (left) and editable as the gym (right).

While there are certainly some attributes to be implemented in the future (facilities, news/announcements), we’re happy with this state for the next update and will revisit this in consultation with the gyms and users.


We’re officially multi-lingual (jsme oficiálně vícejazyční; Wir sind offiziell mehrsprachig)!

As the Climbuddy team is based in Germany/Czechia, giving users the opportunity to switch to their language of choice is a must. That’s why we’ve added Czech 🇨🇿 and German 🇩🇪, with more coming in the near future!

Language picker (left) and the about section (middle) translated to Czech (right).


From user feedback, we’ve seen new users struggle controls of the Climbuddy, especially by not realizing that you can click on routes and rotate the camera. These are admittedly not immediately obvious, so we’ve added a simple tutorial, which displays the actions you should make to move around, disappearing when they have all been completed. Additionally, we’ve added a highlight on routes that you are looking at to further underline that they are interactable.

Tutorial bar (left) and hover outline (right).

Privacy Policy & Terms of Use

To conclude the UI changes, we’ve got a final, rather boring one: privacy policy & terms of use. These will both be made available with the release of the new update and reflect our dedication to privacy and openness – your information is private and stays with us, you will be getting no marketing emails and sale reminders, and you will not get diabetes (i.e. no tracking cookies; only essential ones).

Terms of Use (left) and Privacy Policy (right).


Since this month’s focus has been mainly on the UI side of things, we don’t have any significant things to show from the backend/worker side of things. That is not to say that there has been no progress – we’ve improved hyperparameter optimization for our machine learning models (hold detection/classification), made progress on a more scalable machine learning pipeline an implemented an initial diffing algorithm for determining which routes were added/removed/kept between old state and a new state.

More details in the next update!

Team Climbuddy